

I love organizing, but there have been some areas I’ve been avoiding for years. In one day, Louise and I tackled my child’s playroom and my home office. She dove right in, helping us sort our shelves, working with my child to get rid of toys she had outgrown, and organizing everything into themed bins. In my office, she helped me cull through years of paperwork that had been accumulating in piles. A few months later, I hired Louise to come back and help with our kitchen. Again, she helped us organize everything, from labeling and alphabetizing all of our spices, to helping us get a handle on our pantry and kitchenware. 

Louise works really hard, is easy to talk to, can work with different personality types (several of my friends use her too!), helps you donate/trash unwanted items, and makes you love your house again. I highly recommend her and I can’t wait to tackle another room in a few months!