

– Do you feel so guilty about what a mess your place is, you hesitate to invite anyone over?
– Is it hard to walk in a straight line inside your home, because some “stuff” is in your way?
If you answered “Yes” to the above questions, you’re not alone. That was us before we worked with Louise.

“My husband and I are… often buried in work day, night & weekend (on our PCs). One of us (me) is physically limited/considered disabled, but was raised by a hoarder and is a recovering shopaholic. The other half is an absent-minded professor/engineer/artist type; smart but housework is not his strength. Combine these two people + moving from a bigger house to a 636-ft condo + almost 10 years of not getting rid of much, you can end up with a disaster on your hands.

I felt we needed some drastic intervention, so I contacted Louise. I was nervous she may turn us down once I showed her our current state, but even after sending some snapshots, she remained upbeat and optimistic about the potential outcome. I was impressed and encouraged. Then she came to our rescue. (Superhero music here.)

So much of our belongings consisted of what served us well in the past. Not what we needed or wanted in our current life. Louise reminded us of this, and furthermore, worked the hardest of us all. I’m not sure when or if she got to take any breaks. As she kept chipping away at our what used to be a giant tangled mess, the living room started to look like a spacious, peaceful sanctuary (esp. considering the “before”). There were some homework items, but now I felt – for the first time in years! – I could have someone over. (We did!)

So much was accomplished in one session, we were very much encouraged for our second session. At the same time, as the time approached, I admit I was once again scared. What do we do with bigger messes? Would she get upset we haven’t kept it up as it was? Well, we just had our second session. I didn’t need to be scared – Louise was just as nice, supportive and practical, not forcing our decisions in one way or another, but mostly helping and being a positive catalyst. It’s hard to explain, but Louise has a way of empathizing with you so you don’t feel guilty at all, and at the same time she is incredibly helpful in guiding you to the right direction.

And the result is superb. Now we feel peaceful in two additional rooms. (Our results may be slower than typical, as I cannot move very much. To us it was miraculous.) If you want to enjoy living in your space, I highly recommend working with Louise. She’ll help you find a place for your stuff and yourself, so you can feel happier in your home.”